Mahsul Vakaları / Yield Events
Research, exhibiton and public programs / Curating / Bayetav Sanat

Readdressing relations with the world, Mahsul Vakaları [Yield Events], opens at Bayetav Sanat as an exhibition and a public program based on a series of multispecies collaborations and comraderies.
Mahsul Vakaları is the yield (mahsul) of the Mahsul Projesi [Project Yield], which investigates the environmental, cultural, and social yields of rural modernisation in the Southern and Western shores of Anatolia. Starting in Çukurova, the project continues its journey in İzmir. While being nourished by forays to geographical locales, archival visits, interviews and recordings since the summer of 2022, Mahsul simultaneously offers an expanding online archive. Mahsul, whose İzmir stop is supported by BAYETAV Research Fellowship, approaches ecology as a mobile, multi-layered mesh connected through manifold relationships with organic and inorganic entities. Together with Mahsul Vakaları, the Mahsul Projesi invites us to think of the mobilities today by remembering the stories from this geography, reiterating them and imagining earthly companionships.
A shared sense of wonder resonates throughout the artworks in this exhibition and Mahsul Vakaları multiplies in its collaborations with them and meshes the story of the land, sea, and air. The works of ANATOPIA, Ali Cindoruk, Aslıhan Demirtaş, Aslı Özdoyuran, Eylül Şenses, Fatma Belkıs & İz Öztat, Yasemin Ülgen, together with the yields of Dilşad Aladağ's research process constitute the narrative of the exhibition.
Yield Events research process, which forms the conceptual framework of the exhibition, was produced in 2022 and 2023 within the scope of CultureCIVIC: Culture and Arts Support Programme.

General views from the exhibition, Photos: Kayhan Kaygusuz
Türkçe basın kiti için tıklayınız - link for the press kit in Turkish
Selected Reviews
Ömer Mirza Şeker, Anadolu Ajansı 2024
Kadim Üretim Yöntemlerini Hatırlatan Bir Sergi, Vesime Itır Demir, Hürriyet 2024
Emine Uyar, Evrensel 2024