Site-specific sound installation / İzmir / Bayetav Sanat by ANATOPIA
Acoustic shells made of hornbeam sieve hoops and wool felt, wooden trestles, and 14 sound recordings. The project is developed within the scope of the Mahsul Vakaları Yield Events exhibition
Site-specific sound installation / İzmir / Bayetav Sanat by ANATOPIA
Acoustic shells made of hornbeam sieve hoops and wool felt, wooden trestles, and 14 sound recordings. The project is developed within the scope of the Mahsul Vakaları Yield Events exhibition

The movements of the earth and its time units occur on a different time scale compared to the lifespan of human beings and the physical and administrative structures they create—at least, such is the case in the geography where this work is currently situated. Neither the span of empires nor centuries-old young states possess the length or endurance to fully master, embody, and transfer the history of the earth. It is perhaps why very few people can understand the language of geography and are capable of hearing what it says today. ANATOPIA, assuming the extended geography we inhabit as a deep time and expansive ground, came together to reestablish the story with hope. RENK [COLOR] is their first joint work which listens to and sounds the memory of the land in order to collectively propagate and voice insights and future imaginaries. The invited guests, who are from different disciplines but of similar sensitivities, turn into storytellers by reading selected passages from fictional narratives. This polyphonic installation contains multiple imaginaries and meanings due to the intangible nature of sound and fiction.

This is the first breath of RENK [COLOR]. We hope that by listening to the care and kindness inherent in the earth's descriptions of written methods, through a diversity of voices, languages and stories, we will be able to generate directions and methods to transform today's coarseness. We would like to widen the ground that these abstract and ephemeral sound waves will clear for new and plural subject narratives, after and beyond the exhibition, in an expanding, shared and spreading virtual environment. Alen Mevlat, Aslıhan Demirtaş, Bilge Bal, Dicle Kumarslan, Dilşad Aladağ, Emre Gönlügür, Eylül Şenses, Ezgi Hamzaçebi, Fulya Peker, Gizem Kıygı, Merve Bedir, Seda Mimaroğlu, and Yasemin Ülgen recorded the frequencies amplified by the beautiful hornbeam sieve hoops in this first installation.

ANATOPIA is a creative cooperative composed of Aslıhan Demirtaş, Dilşad Aladağ, Eylül Şenses, and Yasemin Ülgen. We have previously produced work together in various combinations before establishing Anatopia. We came together as a cooperative with intentions to try polyphonic methodologies to create in a world in crisis and to repair and reestablish an inclusive narrative of the extended geography we are situated in as a deep time and expansive ground. We have modeled ourselves as a constellation whose demarcation depends and changes according to a point of view. Anatopia’s first work together as a cooperative is RENK [TIMBRE].

Site-specific sound installation / İzmir / Bayetav Sanat by ANATOPIA
Acoustic shells made of hornbeam sieve hoops and wool felt, wooden trestles, and 14 sound recordings.
GÖZ / Eye 200 x 171 x 177
YAŞ / Wet 115 x 74 x 144
KURT / Log 220 x 74 x 160
KUYU / Well 45 x 45 x 107

Design and production: Aslıhan Demirtaş, KHORA
Design team: Aslıhan Demirtaş, Serra Karslıoğlu, Destina Pütün
Hornbeam pulley productions: Oğuz Arslan
Felt: Tire Keçecilik
On-site implementation: Ergin Taşçı
Sound editing: Sezer Koç
Sound design: Gökalp Ergeçen
Software, technical application: Enrico Kip
Photos: Kayhan Kaygusuz, Fikret Can Kuşadalı