Salt Winter Garden
Architecture / Salt Beyoğlu, İstanbul / architect and project coordinator as an employe of KHORA Studio (Aslıhan Demirtaş, Ali Cindoruk)
Architecture / Salt Beyoğlu, İstanbul / architect and project coordinator as an employe of KHORA Studio (Aslıhan Demirtaş, Ali Cindoruk)
Winter Garden is a common ground, open to the public and is located on the fourth floor of SALT Beyoğlu in one of the densest neighborhoods of Istanbul’s megapolis. It is a raised and exposed earth where everything stands and grows. The platform is made of rammed earth, clayey soil, sand, gravel and lime. The surrounding low walls and plants on the periphery create a place for people to meet and gather.
Winter Garden is a physical contemplation of the possibility of an unprivileged status for our species, asking the question, “How can we coexist? (KHORA, 2018)